Learning Grit From Side Projects

Gisele Muller Sasso
6 min readNov 12, 2021

You probably heard a million times that the secret to success is grit. And I’m sorry to say, but that is right. No significant result comes easy. Triumph is never a coincidence. You need to work hard and give your best to achieve the results you want.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

My husband Eduardo Sasso and I have been working together on some side projects since 2009. From movie-related apps to a service that populated a map with all pins from your traveling adventures (back in 2010 when that was a brand new concept), from a compass to help you find your way around to stock market-related products, we have done a lot.

Eduardo is a passionate software engineer who constantly thinks about solving problems and turning them into side projects. He is the impersonation of hard work and grit. Besides his regular job, which is very demanding, he constantly works after hours and on weekends. Day in, day out, rain or shine, he is consistently delivering. And that kind of determination is truly inspiring.

When I met Eduardo back in 2007, I was in a career I didn’t like. I was working with logistics (importing goods), and honestly, I dreaded going to work.

Eduardo was the main person to push me into finding something I loved doing. Or at least something I didn’t dread. And to this day, we have several conversations about the importance of liking



Gisele Muller Sasso

Wife. Mom. Writer. Jazzercise instructor. I’m a Brazilian expat turned American currently living in Santa Cruz, CA.