TRX vs Apple Watch

Gisele Muller Sasso
2 min readMay 9, 2018

There I was, sweating like crazy in one of my Orange Theory Fitness classes. Super concentrated on the task ahead. And the task by the way, can totally be considered a punishment. Almost torture.

You get on your tippy toes, lean your body forward and holding for dear life on the TRX straps you perform some sort of floating push up. Do you get the picture right?

Important piece of information. For my current fitness level (noodle arms as hubby says), regular floor push ups are already challenging. Add TRX straps to that and I’m in trouble.

So, floating push up with TRX. 12 reps. 3 rounds. I’m really focused so that the shaking of all of my muscles and sweat dripping from everywhere wouldn’t make me fall flat on my face. I’m repeating in my head, “Yes you can, yes you can.” When suddenly my Apple watch starts this bizarre fight against the TRX strap.

In every push up attempt, which I’m proudly executing even though my arms are shaking like a leaf, the TRX touches the watch and the watch is not happy. A whole start/stop workout struggle begins. At every rep the TRX touches the watch. So I have a pause, finish, start, pause, finish workout drama going on. I try not to loose focus so that the TRX won’t knock me out into oblivion, so I ignore the watch alerts.

Oh. Silly me. Big mistake. After a few ignored alerts the watch gives this weird beep sound that draws attention to me. Oh no. Hell no. That is the last thing I need. look away people.

In a very sharp and quick move I get rid of the watch.

TRX won the fight.



Gisele Muller Sasso

Wife. Mom. Writer. Jazzercise instructor. I’m a Brazilian expat turned American currently living in Santa Cruz, CA.